pardon the french, folks, but what the
hell is the point of having political parties except for the sake of FURTHER DIVISION AND OPPOSITION AMONG BROTHERS AND SISTERS (as in humanity, not biological brothers and sisters)?
ok, so today there was a rally set up by timeout and college democrats outside a representative's office here in storm lake, having to deal w/ the upcoming iowa ban against gay marriages. they were really trying hard to get as many people involved as they could, of course, to put together a good protest outside of the office. well naturally, college republicans feel like they have to "outdo" the college democrats and have even more people show up at the rally in support of the ban. so somebody sent out an email saying that it'll be great to "see the faces of our fellow college democrats and whatever you call timeout people."
here's a vent session: WHATEVER YOU CALL TIMEOUT PEOPLE!? excuse me, mr. republican (as much as i hate to put that one in there!!!), but i call "those timeout people" humans, and i also happen to call them MY FRIENDS! and even if they WEREN'T my friends, i'd STILL call them human, just like you, and just like me. where in the WORLD do people come off making these judgments about people who are different?? and really, besides a person's personal decision about whom to love, WHAT IS SO DIFFERENT about "these people?" do they not eat the same food, breathe the same air, walk on the same ground, speak the same words, smile the same smiles, feel the same pain, and often times, even
worship the same God as you and me (i mean i'd presume that comes as a great shock for you... from the sound of it)?
what i am feeling right now and what i feel almost every day: sooooooooooooooo sorry for those who are uneducated, those who are ignorant, those who are closed-minded, and those who are afraid of what is different. and especially sorry for all the christians out there who give in to the whole "well you see i'm a christian and it says about five times in the Bible that homosexuality is immoral so that means homosexuals are sinners and that means we should really reach out to them and really change them just as soon as possible because otherwise they're going to go to hell and now come on... we don't want that now do we" bit... have we forgotten that we, too, sin (if you're going to go off of the "homosexuality is a sin" argument which truly is what most people base their arguments on...and i'm not giving a judgment as to whether that is right or wrong... but i find it to be a tad bit ironic... considering the amount of people who aren't really practicing christians yet still say this... hmm... glad the Bible can be used as a
crutch)? i think almost every single person (almost, i said-- there are still a few good men, as the saying goes...which includes women, of course) involved in ministries here on campus falls into this category. which really makes me a minority when you think about it. oh my gosh... leisha... friends w/ a bisexual (or two or three or a bunch for that matter)? oh my gosh... leisha... talking to a homosexual? heaven forbid she talks with a homosexual. even in a kind manner. and in a way that doesn't seek to change him. i mean, a way that actually welcomes him to be himself and not feel like he's the recipient of any form of judgment. wow. yeah... i definitely feel like this fact makes me a minority on this campus. to say the least, i simply
don't understand it.
ok so there was a quick thought on my feelings about glbt stuff, just from today's events and the republican guy's stupid, stupid,
stupid comment. so that leads into the whole political party bit. arrrrrrrrrrgh. political parties. I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! well... politics in general... argh. and closed-mindedness. and hypocrisy. and the republican folks who claim they republican status simply because "democrats have no morals or values." double arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! pretty sure i wrote a paper on this in my religion & culture class, and the response from the teacher was that "we have to get you to seminary!" this is probably my greatest turnoff from politics and/or political parties: the amount of people who make this claim but only make this claim when it comes time to vote and then only b/c there's an issue on the table that they don't agree w/. homosexuality. abortion. women's rights. these are the more obvious ones-- but there are plenty more i'm sure. i seriously wonder
how many people consider themselves republican simply b/c their parents are republican, and/or because they've HEARD this "no values/morals" claim. i can think of plenty off the top of my head. have they really done their research? is it really that democrats have no morals or values or could it be-- just COULD IT BE-- that these democrats are doing what they're doing
because of their morals and values? never thought of that? educate yourself, friends. it's the best thing you could ever do for yourself AND for this nation. b/c it really looks to me like people have stopped educating themselves, and it's caused a whole lot of hell-- for the nation and for many individuals. the nation is probably always going to go through these sorts of hells. but individuals? human beings? no way--
nobody deserves that.
*sigh* this is quite the campus to live on. such a conservative campus, yet really, such a LIBERAL campus. republicans seem to hang out together, and democrats seem to hang out together, and it's like there's barely any mixing of the both (though i do see it at times, as i'm one of the people who do the mixing, and i have friends who do-- and i know there are others out there, most definitely...). this is what republicans stand for, and this is what democrats stand for. and i think it gives everyone a really negative idea about everything (particularly the political parties). i know that this guy who wrote the timeout comment isn't representative of all republicans (though i hate to say, it seems all too typical of a republican. argh.) i know it sure turns me off from the idea of political parties. ok, no it doesn't. it turns me on to the idea of being a democrat. but the whole "oh, you stupid democrats" and yes, even the "you stupid republicans (as often as this might run through my head at times)" make me want to just ask of everyone, CAN'T WE ALL GET ALONG!?!?!?!?! the answer, i fear, is no. not when we have so many uneducated and closed-minded people out there... i mean, that's fine, whichever party you want to say you're a part of, but please don't go into it half-arsedly.
so yeah. i really suck at this political stuff.
i'm stepping off the soapbox now and going back to the books. going to read. yes, i can do that well; quite well.
night, friends.
*aaaaaaaaaaand... cut*