
an afternoon of articles- i've much to learn!

i've read some amazing articles today, from both the focus on the family's website and psychologist val farmer's articles over families and relationships. i suppose one could say that this stemmed from my conversation w/ beth in her office today (which was long overdue). she handed me three articles by val farmer and suggested that i read them and think about them... they were: "what young adults need to know about marriage" (very, very useful--), "creating strong, happy family takes lot of work" (same ole' story!!), and "marriage delay can mean painful dating breakups" (interesting, applicable). i've found a million other amazing ones online by him, and i just have to include the site: http://www.summitpointe.org/NewsItems/Val-FarmerMenu.htm. for anybody who ever plans on being married, starting a family, or just wants to know what it takes to maintain a healthy, strong relationship, i'd suggest reading his stuff. he's got some really valid points and thoughts to share.

i also did some random thinking about the issue of homosexuality (sorry, but it's a prevalent topic here at bv, and around the world for anybody who is awake enough and has their eyes open enough to realize it- plus, i think some people may have some misconceptions about me in this area, on what i believe about it all). i guess it's difficult to really express my thoughts on this. but... i found an article on the focus on the family site that pretty much expresses what i feel. it has verses that form biblical proof of the wrongness of homosexual relations, but at the end, it points out a very valid point (which is my sole reason for choosing to love homosexuals just as much as heterosexuals). http://family.custhelp.com/cgibin/family.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=1219
please, please, please check it out sometime...

i've much to learn, in my faith journey, and in my life, about God, love, relationships, family... all of it. i look forward to such opportunities to learn. maybe someday i will be able to teach others, as well...

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