
sushi! sushi! sushi!

i love sushi!
went to kobe japanese steakhouse & sushi restaurant last night w/ the watt family. sure was a blast! i tried (and loved) sushi-- w/ the ginger and even the wasabi (!), and ended up catching all three flying shrimp in my mouth. was a blast!

went to an incredible service at their church afterward, sort of a year-end special service. i felt soooo comfortable and welcomed... and right.

watched havana nights and ate cookies n cream ice cream afterward. got slobbered and walked all over by hershey, the hyper maniac dog. too bad he's so darn cute, and just a puppy. otherwise... grr.

gotta head to work soon and hope that today (in general) i don't feel as crappy as i have been lately (w/ the exception of when i'm kept really busy having fun w/ the watt fam). here's to the day.

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