when you're too
it's time to come to a (see bold letters)
this very cold day in northwest-of-nowhere iowa found me back at the church i've missed for quite some time, in support of this year's mexico awol trip participants, in conversation with the art teacher from the middle school and fully supported by her, my parents, and my grandma (all of which i received phone calls from today... thank you to each of you!). moments have found me tempted to return my thoughts to where they've been this past week, rolling around in the hellaciousness of my student teaching experience thus far, where nothing positive has resulted yet nor will anything positive result, but i've been surrounded by people who are praying for me, listening to me when i just need a set of ears, and just generally cheering me on. i realized today i can only get so much done in one day and had to re-create my to-do list, marking off the things that had to do with cleaning my room and finishing unpacking, and focusing on what's happening with the student teaching situation as well as reading for my class from 6-9 tomorrow night (which i did instead of watching the superbowl-- didn't even see a single commercial; oh well). i've delegated my door decs to a resident/friend who is a graphic design major, which allows me to release that from my mind as something else i need to get done, and offers her an extra outlet for creativity and experience.
i've decided that nobody can take away my dreams, my passions. nobody. period.
and i've learned
that all, and i mean ALL, people are placed in my life for a reason. and sometimes, as another is placed in my life for a reason, i am also placed in theirs for a reason. the cycle is amazing. today i saw it happen, right before my very eyes.
thank you, friends and family
i'll accept any and all, from anybody and everybody.
must continue on..........