
good, good day

75-degree weather. sunshine. a refreshing breeze. families bringing their first-year college students to the dorms and saying their goodbyes for what is often the first time for many of them. parents checking and re-checking the rooms to make sure everything is "just right," first-year students' excitement (for the most part), ra and resident interaction, room contracts and keys, lofting beds. the O-team, SAB, church volunteers, SDP, and other volunteers who rush out to the new students' cars to carry things up to their room for them-- EVERYthing (oh, mom and dad-- don't you remember the good ole' days?, or rather, day?). letting parents know they should enjoy it while it lasts, 'cuz it'll be the only year it'll happen. (:D) yerba mate in tea-bag form to keep me awake (apparently i require more than 3 1/2 hrs of sleep before waking up at 6am) . instant energy. almost scaring residents and their parents b/c of said instant energy. traffic duty. inwardly hoping we (ra's) won't get run over. confused parents, not knowing how the heck to get to the residence hall they need to get to. sitting in a comfy foldable sport chair on my laptop in the street, where, yes, i get perfect wireless service (a block or two away on each side of campus, baby!). (working on the paper, of course, w/ the exception of this blog.) new student validation. brunch in the servery where parents and little siblings are spending careful moments with their children and older sibs. assuring a first-year student, who just tripped over his own feet in the forum, that the forum tiles often elevate just enough so that they trip people-- it happens all the time and is actually one of the greatest causes of casualities on campus, right after extreme laptop addiction. laughter. running into more and more friends whom i haven't seen since last semester. lots of hugs. more hugs. more friends. more energy. and more sunshine (oh, leisha like). it's a beautiful day!!!!! and it definitely means a LOT more to me today than what it has before.

here's to a great day for all!

1 comentarios:

A las 2:44 p. m. , Blogger Andrew Thomas ha dicho...

another not quite so big block of text. Too much for the eyes right now


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