laptop lifestyle
back to living the bv life of having a laptop at one's fingertips at basically every moment of the day. a bit exagerrated, maybe but it's close to the way things really are. for those of you who don't know, bv gives out new, updated laptops every 2 years. entering as a freshman when i did, with a used laptop, that means 2 switches, and 3 different laptops, in the course of my college career. this one takes the cake so far. it's a smooth silver gateway centrino duo, wide-screen, and strangely enough (at least strangely for me), it automatically puts itself into standby when the lid is closed-- or even halfway put down. and, automatically starts itself back up when it's opened again. hmm. not sure what to think about that one yet. anyway, i'll have to be doing quite a bit of putting pics back onto the laptop from my discs (which i didn't start making until last night, so needless to say, i didn't get much sleep, as switchout was 8am today), but for now, i like the newness and freshness of the laptop. think i might wait a little while on that one.
new laptop momentary happiness set aside, i'm a little distraught about the price of college textbooks, although that's nothing new. i got all that i could on, but couldn't escape the fact that i couldn't find everything on there, or the prices were basically the same so i may as well just buy it at the bookstore (guaranteed they'll be in good shape). somehow the bill made itself stretch up to 300-something dollars-- and that wasn't even all of my books. oh, good grief. no wonder people from lower socioeconomic categories think they can't afford to go to college. it's really ridiculous, and this is coming from a person who's extremely enabled in terms of being able to afford anything and everything i need for my educational experiences. (i may not have a new car or the most expensive shoes or jeans, but by golly, i'm gettin' me a damn good education!!!)
so ra training has begun, with mornings starting at 8 or 9am almost daily, and the evenings (will be) stretching until 9 or sometimes 10pm. the hours in-between? almost jam-packed. one might think ra training is a piece of cake. well, ok, maybe it is, but not in terms of schedule. this week we're worked crazy to the brim, and next week, there's more of a break, since by that time we will have had to have learned about everything since about 500 students will already be on campus by then. then a day off, then back to training, then... drum roll, please... the start of the 2006-2007 school year. oh, yes. it's really here.
my room is smaller than normal but quite comfy, although currently without any form of carpet. (sad.) still working on getting stuff up on the walls... but i've gotten a few things up... and for anybody who knows me well, that's quite impressive in itself. i've got a great book collection on display, now if only i could find the time to read them all throughout the year (or even, one or two or three would be mighty nice). i'll make the time... that's what i'll do. si se puede!
all for now. blessings and peace!
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